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Get My Newest, Most Advanced Training Program For 50% Off... Thank you for investing my new Report today - your download link has been emailed to you. But before you go, I'd like to extend a special new-customer-only offer to you... Here's What Some Readers Have Said "Now with your help I look great" Thank you so much, I never thought I could look in the mirror for more than 5 seconds without hating myself, but now with your help I look great, I can go out and have fun because I know I look great and therefore feel it. thank you Abi D Taunton, UK Really good site. Has changed my life Adrian Anderson Uxbridge London United Kingdom "Help me maintain my strength and motivation" Fasting has helped me break through "barriers" that I thought for a long time were not possible. Your encouraging updates help me look at the larger picture and help me maintain my strength and motivation. Edward Waites Anaheim CA I must say I am finding it very helpful Hi Rob, Well although I never did your personal coaching course I still have managed to loose 10 pounds so far and its really down to discovering this, I just happened on to your website as I was looking at the idea of fasting, I had never really entertained it before but I must say I am finding it very helpful. Now the most I've succeeded on water only is 48hrs but I prefer the intermittent fasting because than when I start eating again I'm more conscious and usually tend to eat less.... I still have over a stone to loose to be a healthy weight so I might consider doing your course, again thanks for your replies and support, Clare Smith , Ireland, Ireland "I lost over 50 pounds" I lost over 50 pounds with various combinations of water and juice fasting. I reduced my blood pressure from a dangerous level to a healthy level. Tony B. Denver Co. "I have lost 5kgs so far" Hi Robert, I am new to your program and although it is really hard, I struggle to get through a day, I do get through. I am encouraged by the Spiritual aspect of fasting which you mention also. I am still working hard and though sometimes I fail, I get up and start again. I have lost 5kgs so far. Thank you. Eileen Rene Van de Reede , Gisborne New Zealand, Gisborne New Zealand "I've never felt better in my life" HI ROBERT, I'VE NEVER FELT BETTER IN MY LIFE, THAN WHEN I'VE FASTED. I HAVE DONE TWO 15 DAY FASTS, AND AM STARTING ANOTHER. WM. BRENT PAGE YEMASSEE, S.C. "I fit into a smaller, and beautiful wedding dress" In the past, I had fasted a week at a time ate only on Fridays. Lost a total of 40 lbs in 5 weeks. I fit into a smaller, and beautiful wedding dress. Jaianni Chenoweth , Bow Wa, Bow Wa "Teally thought that I could not do it" Hello Robert, I enjoy visiting your website for tips on fasting. I was able to do a 6 day fast and really thought that I could not do it. Reading other peoples experience helped me to get through mine. My next goal will be a 14 day fast. Thank you James M Manvel, Texas "You are amazing person" Rob, You really helped a lot of people and you did really motivate me, I am thinking this is the best topic ever to present it for my capstone project. You are amazing person, thank you very much Regards, Liza Mucalasky Dubai, UAEMucalasky Dubai, UAE "Your notes help me to realize there is yet hope for me" I just joined recently and I want to thank you for writing to me as promised and giving me information all the time. In my hour of need, I receive these notes and I receive strength and encouragement to endure, to start afresh, not to give up. I start all over again knowing that if others can do it so can I. When failing, and almost giving up, receiving your notes help me to realize there is yet hope for me. I have started all over again three times. Today I am determined to start again and this time to succeed. Thank you for all the reminders that I can do it and that I am not alone. Rose Sirali Nairobi/Kenya "You have a passion for really HELPING people" Hi Robert, I just wanted to sincerely thank you for all the helpful advice you have given me. I remember a time when I REALLY needed your advice, and what happened? I got a personal response from you in minutes that truly saved my night. Not only do you know what you're talking about, but you have a passion for really HELPING people and that is what I love. You encourage, you support, and you really CARE. I am now a healthier person, and the road to a better me was travelled with you at my side! I thank you so much for that! Dana J. Santa Monica, CA "I know now how to get to my ideal weight" I have only been fasting for three days, but I cannot believe how effective it is. I lost 3.4 pounds the first day, and 2 pounds on the second day. I lost 70 pounds on my own within the last 2 years, but I was struggling to lose the last 20 pounds. This is fantastic,. I know now how to get to my ideal weight. It is the most effective method I have ever used, I can't wait to see my weight loss in the morning. I haven't been craving at all today. I think about other things, and play hearts online. The world better look out, because here comes a "knockout." Also, fasting is biblical; it healing the spirit, mind, and body. Thank you for the information you have shared with me. Ramona Douglasville, GA. "Helped me free myself of being addictive to food" Hi Robert reading your website really helped me in understanding what to expect the first two weeks. I like that you speak in real terms and it has helped me free myself of being addictive to food. Keep up your good work and encouragement. Sandra Perez Round Rock Tx "Thank you sooo much" I have not found a site where I have been so motivated and welcomed and given encouragement and advice and felt the sincerity as I have on this site.. Always learning something new. Thank you sooo much Rebecca Chase Holliday, Utah, USA "Break the food addictions that lead to weight gain" I've learned that fasting is not some crazy, psycho, and useless weight loss method. Thanks to you, I've discovered that fasting is probably the single best way to break the food addictions that lead to weight gain. K. Manny Los Angeles, California | I recently conducted a $97 per person 6 week online video coaching program called The Fasting Masterclass. This is the most advanced, most comprehensive training I have ever created, and includes more than 8 hours of video training, complete MP3 recordings of each class, comprehensive PDF Manuals and Work Books, Mind Maps, Additional Resources and more. And as a special offer to you, since you took action today
Im going to let you have it for just $47. In this one of a kind coaching program, youll discover: -
The real reasons why you need a solid foundation from which to build a leaner and healthier you, so you'll have a much better chance of succeeding the very first time you fast with your new knowledge -
The proper knowledge and mental focus you need to achieve all of your fasting goals, meaning you'll succeed where in the past you may have failed; you'll lose the weight you want to, and finally you'll be able to keep it off -
How to bring to life a powerful and detailed vision of all that you can accomplish through fasting in ALL areas of your life, not just health and weight loss. To help you achieve this, you'll receive a special report (to read and complete as 'homework') which will help you to identify, clarify and sharpen your goals and vision, helping you to create superior motivation to overcome all mental and physical fasting challenges -
How to create a powerful new health-filled destiny where anything is attainable, and where your mind, body and soul receive an unprecedented influx of clarity, vitality, health and wellness! -
The 4 different "types" of fasts you can undertake so you can choose the best one for you and your personal circumstances. Then you can get started immediately and make quick progress towards your goals. -
Exactly what a Cleansing Diet is, and why you should consider undertaking one prior to fasting so you get the best results possible. I'll show you why a cleansing diet, if done for longer periods of time, can be just as powerful as a total juice or water fast -
3 of my own personal Cleansing Diet menus, where I tell you which foods you should always include, and specifically what foods you must avoid if you want to get the greatest health and detoxification benefits -
My comprehensive list of foods you can eat between meals while you are on your cleanse, and again most importantly, what to avoid so you don't blow it without even knowing there's a problem -
When to choose a water fast or a juice fast, and the benefits and drawbacks of each. You'll also get my own personal juice fasting recipes - the ones that have proven to work best for me over the last 19 years I've been a fasting practitioner and coach -
We look at water fasting and dry fasting in-depth, including how to prepare for the fast, and what mental and physical symptoms to expect. You'll also discover why water fasting is so powerful and why it can help you to achieve detox and weight loss faster than any other fasting method -
You'll understand why intermittent fasting could be the ideal solution for you, and how to best use this technique for weight loss and detoxification even amidst a busy and demanding schedule, plus I'll share specific tactics for going the distance when fasting and why having unrealistic expectations can ruin your chances of success -
You'll learn how your metabolism really affects your weight loss or gain, and the factors you can control to help you with weight loss, along with how fasting affects your metabolism, and specific steps you can take to make this important bodily function work with you to help you lose weight Plus you'll get specific strategies for making every fast you do in the future much easier, more effective, and most importantly, far more enjoyable. Things like: -
My personal R.A.P.I.D. formula for overcoming intense moments of hunger and discomfort. Having an understanding of this simple yet highly effective and powerful technique will vastly improve your chances of enjoying quick and lasting results from all of your fasting for weight loss and detox efforts -
Why having the power to resist hunger during your fast gives you the ability to achieve almost anything life throws at you, and why imagination, annulment and patience can play a critical role in your success, and how my incredibly effective Calender Trick will make your short and long-term fasts seem much less uncomfortable -
For the first time on video I'll share my best techniques for breaking your fast so you keep the weight off. Too much attention is given to fasting, fasting, fasting... and most people forget about the crucial process needed to end the process appropriately. This module gives you everything you need to know break your fasts correctly -
You'll have a 30-day post fasting plan with detailed instructions to help you make a solid transition and minimize the amount of weight gained afterward, along with my proven 6.5 Rule which gives you a specific formula for effectively ending any fast, from 3 days to 30 days or longer, thus ensuring that your efforts are not sabotaged by eating too much, too soon -
You'll learn how to avoid what I call the 'Stuck In Eternity' Syndrome and overcome any temptation to rush the process of re-feeding and risk undoing all of your good work, plus you get my unique "Time Trap Escape" technique to transcend the usual thoughts of impatience and frustration that nearly always strike when we are either fasting or breaking a fast -
And I include my personal shopping list of foods to purchase and prepare for when your fast is coming to an end -
Plus I show you how to get over the 90-day hump, reduce fasting & muscle loss, and tips for achieving long term weight loss and detoxification so you never go back to the old, unhealthy, overweight you -
And much, much more And don't worry if you can't watch all of the recordings in one sitting. You'll have lifetime access to the recordings of each session inside a special Member's area we have set up just for this program. That way you'll be able to download each coaching session any time you like, so you won't miss any of the lesson content or the answers I gave to every question the program attendees asked. THREE BONUSES For Acting TODAY! I know the easiest way to create an irrestible offer is to give you more value than you can get anywhere else. So to make sure youre getting at least ten times the value today, if you are one of the FIRST 25 people to reserve your place in this initial launch period, you'll also receive these three exclusive bonuses: Bonus #1 - How To Fit Exercise Into Your Busy Schedule And Make Fasting Twice As Effective In this 24 page Digital Report you'll learn: -
Why fasting alone is often not enough to easily achieve long-term weight loss, and how you can permanently keep the weight off if you only have a few minutes spare each day -
How you can avoid the on-again, off-again exercise treadmill and achieve lasting weight loss around your busy schedule of juggling family, home and career, not somebody else's -
Simple yet effective techniques for incorporating exercise into your life so you can start reaping the benefits no matter whether you are an executive or manager, an employee or business owner, a stay at home mom or dad, or anybody else -
A program you can follow if you are young or older, in good health or not so good right now. This program will help you to get active and improve your health no matter where you are right now -
And much more... Bonus #2 - How To Use Your Subconscious Mind To Aid You In The Fasting Process And Keep The Weight Off In this 25 Page Digital Guide you'll discover: -
Why the only true lasting changes you can make in your life come from the inside out, and how my secret for programming your mind for losing weight is the easiest way to achieve your goals and make them stick -
Why you may have lost small or even large amounts of weight in the past, but ultimately put it back on, and how you can stop this process effortlessly by reprogramming your subconscious belief system -
How to get off the perpetual see-saw of losing weight, gaining weight, then losing weight again, so you are no longer crushed and disheartened time and time again when all your hard work simply doesn't pay off and you are right back where you started -
Why all the fasting, dieting and exercise in the world will not produce results for you if your thinking and self image are fighting you, and how to painlessly turn this around so you can achieve the lasting results you so desperately desire -
And lots more... Bonus #3 - FREE Lifetime Updates, Future VIP Product Discounts And Unannounced Bonus Training Because this is my highest level program, and I want to keep it up to date with the latest in fasting techniques, it will be evolving, growing and expanding over time. If you are one of the first 25 Foundation Members, you'll have FREE lifetime updates to this program when I add new or additional material, as well as VIP discounts on future products and additional free Reports, videos and other training in the future How You Can Get This Life Changing Program For MUCH Less Than A Single Week's Worth Of Groceries... Because you ordered from me today, and I like to reward people who take action, you have the chance to grab this entire coaching program for 50% off it's regular price: just $47. If you act now, you're going to get in at the rock-bottom lowest investment I'll ever be offering. And if you don't get in now, you will have to pony up at least twice this amount and probably more when I raise the price in the future. This is a good deal for this any way you look at it. You'll probably save more than the entire cost of this program on groceries the first time you do a successful 7 day fast, not to mention the amount of money you'll save in the years ahead because of your increased health, better immunity and higher fitness levels. Truth be told, I should be selling this for $197 or more, but here is why I'm not. The fact is, I simply want you to be totally blown away by what I share with you in this coaching program, so in the future, if I offer you any other products I've created, you'll be much more likely to say yes. Secondly, this is a labor of love for me. I had a really good time creating this course, and I love getting paid for what I do. But money isn't my primary concern; I simply want to help you experience the joy of having a healthy, vital body, and I feel this is the best way to do that. And finally, I feel I have a moral obligation to share this information in a format that allows you to actually get results. Now I'm guessing you're a pretty smart person, and you could probably figure this all out on your own... eventually. But judging by the huge number of questions I receive, the right information is hard to come by, and it takes a lot of time to sort out the facts from the fiction. So what I'll be doing in this training is like handing you the combination to a safe that took me 10 years to crack. Rather than you taking years of trial and error to work it all out for yourself, you'll have everything you need to know at your fingertips to use over and over again. Comes With A 100% Money Back Guarantee Get this today and save 50%. Try the training program out for the next 60 days. If during that time for any reason – Or no reason at all – You’re not absolutely overjoyed with the wonderful results you are getting…. Contact me and I’ll quietly and promptly return every penny of your purchase. You only stand to gain when you act immediately and join this life changing coaching program today. Click to Select Your Package | "Fasting Masterclass" Basic Edition Includes: | $37 CLICK HERE | | | "Fasting Masterclass" Standard Edition Includes: | $47 CLICK HERE | | | "Fasting Masterclass" Diamond Edition Includes everything in Standard Edition, plus: -
6 comprehensive PDF Mindmaps from the training -
PDF Report: Twenty Questions to Help You Break Negative Eating Habits & Position You to Succeed -
PDF Report: The Life-Giving Power of Fruits and Vegetables -
PDF Report: How To Fit Regular Exercise Into A Busy Schedule PLUS the bonus audio recording where I share additional insights and techniques -
PDF Report: Rapid Weight Loss & Detoxification through 30-Day Intermittent Fasting & Home Enemas -
PDF Report: LEAN FOR LIFE! How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off By Transforming The Subconscious Mind 30 Day Trial Access To My Monthly Fastingology Membership, which includes: -
A detailed "Standard Diet" to follow immediately so you can start losing weight, detoxing and breaking negative eating habits right away -
Comprehensive, ongoing weekly lessons on the mental and emotional aspect of weight loss with numerous tips and techniques to help you overcome cravings, fasting hunger and detox symptoms -
Mp3 Audios of every lesson where Robert narrates and makes tons of extra comments and distinctions -
Premium Personal Support from Robert Johnston | $47 plus $23 per month CLICK HERE | No Thanks, I dont want to save 50% on this incredible program. Just Take Me To The Download Page
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