How to Cheat On Your Diet And Still Lose Weight, Without Undoing All Of Your Hard Work, Feeling Sick With Guilt, Or Having To Start All Over Again!

Fitness Through Fasting Editor Robert Dave Johnston

Dear Friend,

I won't waste your time. I know you want a simple, instant solution for taking a break from your diet without undoing all of your good work, and I can give you just that. And best of all, if you say yes today, you can get it for my rock bottom introductory price of just $10.

In this 7 step system, you'll discover...

  • Simple techniques that will allow you to take a break from any diet once per week, reward yourself with a treat, and not blow all the hard work you've already done

  • Why it's important for us to remember that refined sugar and simple carbohydrates are the primary culprits of obesity and toxicity, and what you can do to effortlessly eliminate them from your diet

  • The first thing for you to do BEFORE you cheat so you aren't tempted to go totally overboard and undo all of the good work you've done previously

  • The single biggest mistake you can make when using this technique, and the simple 'fix' that ensures it won't ever happen to you

  • A simple 'control measure' that virtually ensures your 'diet break' won't turn into an eating binge session

  • How a weekly cheat can help you to enjoy your break without feeling like you are missing out on anything

  • One meal option you should NEVER consider unless you want to totally wreck your weight loss plans and have to start all over again

  • Understanding the 'CTB' principle, and why it is perhaps the most important strategy I could give you

  • The most powerful technique I've even found for overcoming obsessive thoughts about food and eating. You'll want to apply these every time you sit down for a meal

  • The visualization method I use to stop food cravings dead in their tracks, and it works virtually instantly

  • And much more...

So Why Am I Only Charging
$10 for All this?

Truth be told, I should be asking for much more for this Report.

But there is a reason I've kept the price so low. This is the first time I have made this available to the public, and so this is a way for me to get a feel of how much demand I'm going to have.

Plus. I've personally seen so many people suffer needlessly because they didn't have this information, and I want to do my best to stop that from happening to you.

Finally, I'd really like you to become a customer of mine for life. What better way than to give you a really killer deal? That will make you much more likely to consider future products I plan on releasing.

3 Bonuses to Make this
Purchase a No-Brainer!

I know the easiest way to get you to take me up on this is to give you incredible value.

So to make sure you're getting at least ten times the value today, I've arranged for you to have access to these time-limited bonuses.

Bonus #1: The MP3 Audio Recording Of This Program

This is the perfect companion to the How To Cheat on Your Diet (And Get Away With It) Report. You can take this program, plug it into your iPod or MP3 player, and listen to it wherever you go.

In the recording, I add a number of personal comments and distinctions, that will help you to get much more out of the Report. So if you don't have the time to sit down and read right now, this will solve that problem for you.

Bonus #2: "Burn The Blubber: Tips & Tactics To Help You Get Rid of Belly Fat"

In this Report, I address one of the most popular topics that I am asked about, and that is getting rid of belly fat. I talk about the body fat, what causes it and, better yet, a variety of tips and tricks to help you eliminate the flab.

Bonus #3: The MP3 Audio Recording of the "Burn The Blubber: Tips & Tactics to Help You Get Rid of Belly Fat"

This is the companion audio for Report above. Just like the How To Cheat On Your Diet (And Get Away With It) Audio, you can plug it into your iPod or MP3 player, and listen to it wherever you go.

Plus, You Get My Best Guarantee!

Get this program immediately. Read the Report through or listen to one of the MP3 audios.

If you don't immediately feel like you've gotten at least double your money's worth, then contact me right away and I'll return every penny of your purchase quietly and promptly.

Better still - Take a full 30 days to listen to, absorb and put into action the easy methods you'll discover in this program.

If you are unsatisfied for any reason, or no reason at all, just contact me and I'll still give you back every penny of your investment today.

You only stand to gain when you act immediately and get this simple system for only $10.

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Your Diet And Get Away With It

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-- Rob Johnston

P.S. Remember, this is an introductory offer, so the price is likely to increase at any time. So don't delay, grab your copy of How To Cheat On Your Diet And Get Away With It Today.

Remember, there is a 30 day money back guarantee. Can you afford to pass up on these secrets and be kicking yourself later for not taking action? Get the results you want now!