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If you are diabetic, (particularly Type 2) you should seriously consider adding glyconutrients to your diet. 'Glycol' means sugar, the very substance diabetes sufferers aim to avoid. But glyconutrients are

'good sugars' and can strengthen a diabetics system. Glyconutrients do not convert to sugar; they are not glucose or sucrose.

Diabetes Mellitus results when the body is unable to regulate glucose and insulin. Glucose, derived from starch and carbohydrates, is the fuel used by the cells to produce energy. The hormone released by the pancreas, that drives the glucose into the cell is insulin. Only when the insulin is present will the glucose in the blood be transported into the cells.

There are three types of Diabetes

Type 1

Occurs when the body cannot produce enough insulin. This usually starts in childhood and insulin is administered, usually by injection.

Type 2

Adult onset diabetes is not insulin dependant, it is insulin resistant, it is when the cells do not respond to insulin and cannot absorb the vital sugars. They become resistant. It can happen despite increased insulin production and blood sugar over-load. The underlying disorder is a poorly controlled sugar system engineered by bad fats and oils.

Type 3

Occurs in females during pregnancy, which is hormone related. This is called gestational diabetes but usually disappears once the baby is born.

The signs of Diabetes

  • Frequent urination
  • Blurred vision
  • Fatigue
  • Slow healing of sores
  • Weight loss
  • Constant hunger
  • Thirst
  • Numb hands, legs and toes

Long term complications of Diabetes

  • Kidney disease
  • Poor circulation
  • Failing eyesight
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Heart disease

Risk Factors

  • High blood cholesterol
  • Over forty
  • Heredity
  • Poor diet
  • Lack of exercise
  • Obesity
  • Hypertension


There is a lack of in depth, scientific research on glyconutrients, but there is growing anecdotal evidence to support the important role that glyconutrients play in the healing of auto-immune andother related illnesses, including diabetes.

Glyconutrients provide all 8 saccharides which play a critical role in cell to cell communication. They are not digested for energy and do not convert to glucose but go to the cells to connect with glycoproteins. They are biologically active, natural and total non-interactive with conventional medicine.

Glyconutrients are able to repair damaged tissue throughout the body and allow the system to heal itself. Glyconutrients do not just treat the symptoms. They will strengthen your immune system and metabolism at a cellular level, which, of course, will be beneficial to those suffering from sugar diabetes.

Body and Mind connection

Definitely related to how 'sweet' you think your life is. How you respond to abundance and how much responsibility you are prepared to take for yourself. Growing up and tanking up on your value system. All of which empowers your energy mind, body and soul. The pancreas is the fuel tank, but remember it has only enough for one person!!

Many believe that there is no cure for diabetes; many have been cured of diabetes. Whatever your belief, one thing is for sure, improved diet and lifestyle will without a doubt allow you to have a more normal and fully functional life.

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