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Fitness Through Fasting Editor Robert Dave Johnston

How to Cheat On Your Diet and Get Away With It:

Report Highlights: Seven clear-cut steps you can follow to cheat on your diet once per week and get away with it. Learn to enjoy that delicious treat you love without relapsing into binging or poor eating habits. Who said I was a total killjoy?

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How To Use Herbs, Supplements & The Glycemic Index to Wipe Out Addiction to Sugar & Carbohydrates:

Report Highlights:You can lose weight and overcome sugar/carb cravings by simply learning to eat low glycemic index foods and this combination of herb and supplements.

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How To Overcome Hunger & Food Cravings Through Simple Mental Techniques & Disassociation:

Report Highlights:This short report takes you inside one of the top weapons in my arsenal against fasting hunger and cravings for the wrong foods.

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Feeling Happy For No Reason Relaxation Audio:

Highlights: This is a simple yet very effective 15-minute guided relaxation audio that I use while fasting for refocus and to keep my mind away from hunger and detox symptoms. But, whether or not you are fasting, regular use of this recording will reduce stress levels and make you happier... for no reason!

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