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Fitness Through Fasting Editor Robert Dave Johnston

How to Lose Weight & Keep It Off By Transforming The Subconscious Mind

Report Highlights: In this report we are going to talk about the "mental" aspect of weight loss and health and how overcoming negative thinking and belief systems is crucial for long-term success. I will give you detailed instructions on how to prepare a "mental transformation" program that, over time, will overwrite negative belief systems and replace them with ones that invigorate, empower and support your life goals. This is the technique that helped me to overcome years of obesity, isolation and constant feelings of worthlesness. And it can do the same for you if you have the willingness to take action and follow some simpe instructions. Narration and comments by Robert D Johnston.

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How To Use Herbs, Supplements & The Glycemic Index to Wipe Out Addiction to Sugar & Carbohydrates:

Report Highlights:You can lose weight and overcome sugar/carb cravings by simply learning to eat low glycemic index foods and this combination of herb and supplements.

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