Thank You For Your Order!

Fitness Through Fasting Editor Robert Dave Johnston Your one and only payment of $19.99 for the FastingOlogy Lessons Collection has been successfully processed through Paypal. Please make a note of this so you won't have a question when your credit card statement arrives.

Please sign in by entering your First Name and your Primary Email Address into the form below.  The email delivery system will then send you a "confirmation" email to make sure that we have your permission to send you information. So check for that confirmation email immediately after you fill in the form. When you receive the confirmation email, simply click on the link provided. That's it! You'll have access to everything on the next page.

As I mentioned before, I will contact you when FastingOlogy 2.0 is ready.

And please, use your primary email address when you subscribe. I'll be sending you informative emails from time to time, so you'll want to make sure it's accurate. 

Unfortunately I can't guarantee delivery to free email accounts like Hotmail, Yahoo and especially AOL, they have a habit of deleting your email messages so you never even see them...

If you run into trouble, simply write me an email and I will come online promptly to help you. :-)

One more thing: The FastingOlogy lessons are inside what is called a 'zip' or compressed file. You probably are quite familiar with how they work and most computers already ha ve zip file software. However, if your computer does NOT have any program to open zip files, simply download the 7-Zip Free program HERE

Again, if you run into any issue, please contact me.

Sign up Below and You Will be Promptly Sent to the Main Download Page.

We respect your email privacy

Please Note: The package you are going to download has A LOT of material. I suggest that prior to downloading you create a 'folder' in your computer, perhaps called 'FastingOlogy' or any other name that you wish. Then, when you download the package, you can save it directly into that folder. That way you can always find the lessons quickly every time. :-)



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