Greetings! This is Sonia Noemi, nutritional consultant and skin care professional. I am part of the Fitness Through staff and am here by special request from webmaster and editor Robert D Johnston.
He wanted me to put together a series of articles related to the word FITNESS. After all, (Fitness) IS part of the title of this website. So I want to talk about the specific definitionof "fitness" as we see it, AND share with you how you can benefit.
The concept of fitness fits in perfectly with the disciplines of juice fasting and water fasting, as well as colon cleansing and detoxification. They complement each other in very powerful ways and together can can produce dramatic changes in your life -> in a relative short period of time. They can, in essence, change the course of your life and facilitate deep physical, mental and emotional transformations. So whatever your goals are in relation to your weight and/or health, keep reading! We have some ideas and information that can help you.
What is Fitness?
So Let's Start With a Little Bit of History. I am sure you have heard of the Baby Boomer Generation, name given to persons born between (1946-1964), approximately. This generation has marked many important lifestyle trends. At some point in the past decades, this generation placed its attention on the issue of weight loss and finding ways to feel good, as well as look young and fit.
This has created a massive health and fitness industry worth billions. One particular outcome of this trend has been the rapid spawning of gyms/fitness centers. Nowadays there are big corporations everywhere filling this need. I am sure that there are a variety of "Fitness Centers" in relative close proximity to where you live.
Yes, the Baby Boomer Generation, with its desire to stay fit and healthy, has had a lot to do with this industry's growth. For a monthly fee you have access to exercise machines of all types, and for a little more you can even hire a personal trainer to direct you and keep you motivated.
To be sure, fitness centers are great and if you have a membership, by all means use it! But, to achieve optimum health - more is needed.It is by this emphasis and calling them "Fitness Centers" that many often think "Fitness" only refers to the "Physical." The general consensus appears to be that a well-toned body, lots of energy, mental stability and overall good health is the almost exclusive result of exercise and good nutrition.
Indeed, these are all very important and have A LOT to do with the state of "fitness" we are discussing.But There is much more to "Fitness" than this. It is our philosophy and belief that exercise and nutrition ALONE cannot give humans permanent wholeness and wellbeing. Why? Well, we are not just physical beings, but also mental and spiritual. The balance between mind, body and spirit is directly related to our degree of optimal health and - yes - FITNESS.
So, I repeat: Fitness is.... A Mental, Physical, Spiritual and Emotional balance that servers as the catalyst for profound and PERMANENT changes. This combination of elements - addressed individually - result in what, in essence, can result in a Rebirth of your entire being.
Many of are struggling with: Sickness, being overweight, drugs, alcohol, stress, depression, acne, lack of energy, anger, irritability, lack of concentration, insomnia - and numerous other conditions. Moreover, water contamination, free radicals, binging and overall destructive eating take their toll in our blood and digestive system with toxins that exacerbate these challenges.
An exercise program alone is simply not enough to address this type of onslaught. So, how can you achieve the "Total Fitness" we are talking about? The answer is simple: Through fasting, regular colon cleansing, detoxification, good nutrition, life journaling AND a program of regular exercise. It is a simple yet challenging way of life. It is a total integration of mind, body and spirit as the perfect equation for the attainment of optimal and continuous health.
Ok, that all sounds great Sonia - but how do I do this?
Let's start with - Fasting
As we have explained throughout this website, fasting is a very powerful way to thoroughly cleanse the digestive system, which is often very polluted from poor eating. Many have become ill and died before their time because they have not addressed this important aspect of their health.
So if you have not started to practice fasting by now, then what are you waiting for? You do not have to be a "record breaker" or feel that you will only benefit if you fast for days or weeks. Why not start with fasting for just 24 hours once per week?
Why not give it a chance for "six months" and then judge the results for yourself? Whether you chose to use Water Fasting or Juice Fasting, you have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose. You can visit the links above to access numerous articles related to each of those disciplines.
For a specific, step-by-step system, check out our new 9-month fasting course Fastingology if you haven't already done so. When I was introduced to the concept some years back, I did not realize the huge impact it would have on my life. And so it has been since then, because it has given me a "permanent" lifestyle based on mental, physical and spiritual balance.
Mind/Body Activities
In addition to fasting, there are a number of activities that can help you address the physical, spiritual and mental aspect of fitness - all in one! I am sure you know what these are. Just to mention a few, why not try: Yoga, Tai Chi or Pilates?
*Yoga combines stretching exercises, breathing and meditation through the repetition of a series of poses. Stretching alone is known to be a great way to expel toxins that accumulate in the muscles from lack of activity. I am sure that, if you are diligent, you can find a yoga class somewhere near your home.
If you are the "home training" type like me, I highly recommend The Yoga Home Study Course as an excellent way to learn this amazing and powerful discipline.
Some people shun yoga because they do not agree with the spiritual philosophy it teaches. I understand. The beauty is that you don't have to agree! Learn yoga and then pray and mediate according to the philosophy of your choice! Why not take what is beneficial about yoga and use it our advantage, rather than do nothing?
Another activity that combines the mind, body and spirit is the ancient art of Tai Chi. Tai Chi is a slow-motion Chinese martial art designed to increase the chi, or life energy. If you are in bad shape, this is an excellent way to get your body moving without putting too much stress on your joints and bones.
You still will get one heck of a workout, and you can use the time as a period of prayer and mediation as well. Tai Chi is great while one is fasting because it helps to get one's mind away from the detox symptoms and hunger pains.
I love Beginner's Guide to Tai Chi and highly recommend it! It is basic but will give you everything you need to get good!
* Pilates is a body/mind/spirit approach to movement founded on the integrative effect of principles such as centering, concentration, control, precision, breath, and flow. Not only that, but it also offers numerous amazing exercise routines that you can also combine with prayer and meditation.
If you are heavy, or have not worked out in some time, I would recommend that you check out Pilates: Relief For Back And Joint Pain. . This program is simple, yet effective in putting you in direct contact with the mind, body and spirit.
All of these are mind-body-spirit fitness activities, physical exercise executed with a inward focus of prayer, mediation/contemplation. You can purchase courses as the ones suggested above or videos to learn the different techniques and do it at your pace at home. The bottom line is this: Pick something and do it!
Therefore, today's message is: Begin to practice either juice fasting or water fasting AND take up an activity like the ones I have suggested that meld body, mind and spirit. Adding this equation to ANY weight training (or other exercise program) will lead you to exponentially-higher levels of health, wellness and spiritual sensitivity.
You will be caring for the "triune" being that you are via a combination of exercise, fasting, detoxification and mind-body-spirit fitness activities. It is a recipe for breakthrough and Amazing Health!
But, I say it again ... pick something! Whatever you decide upon, do it!
Pilates founder Joseph Pilates couldn't have said it better: "If at the age of 30 you are stiff and out of shape, you are old. If at 60 you are dynamic and strong, then you are young."
A Standing Recommendation
One key resource that we want to higly recommend to you is Himalayan Crystal Salt. I started adding it to my water while fasting but have continued using to this day, whether or not I am fasting.
Himalayan Crystal Salt is known to contain energy and healing properties that assist in bringing the body's regulatory system (homeostasis) into balance. This fosters improved blood pH, digestive system functions, brain activity, respiration, and it also helps remove heavy metals from your body. Highly recommended supplement!
Coming Up Next on Volume XIV of The Anti Prevention Nation: Part II of Sonia's talk about the true meaning of fitness. Here, she will discuss Fitness and how, in conjunction with the Amazing Health Life Formula, it can help you attain optimum Mental, Physical, Spiritual and Emotional Balance.
Warmest Regards,
Sonia Noemi Fitness Through Fasting
Nutritional Consultant / Skin-Care Professional
Contributor:The Anti Prevention Nation Ezine &
FastingOlogy 9-Month Membership Program.
Back Issues of The Anti Prevention Nation Volume I
Eyes Wide Shut - Mouth Wide Open. The Obesity Epidemic.
Volume II
Fix me Quick Doctor! Dinner's 'a Waitin'! Weight Loss & Personal Responsibility. True Life Stories.
Volume III
Food Addictions & The Phenomena of Craving.
Volume IV
You Are What You Eat.
Volume V
The Inactivity & Starch Trap - Food Combinations.
Volume VI
Binging & The Delusion of Fear.
Volume VII
Averting Binging & Overeating Through "Distraction Visioning."
Volume VIII
The Amazing Health Life Formula Part 1 - Make Water Your Best Ally.
Volume IX
The Amazing Health Life Formula Part 2 - Water Fasting & Himalayan Salt.
Volume X
The Amazing Health Life Formula Part 3 - Disease Begins In The Colon Part 1 of 3.
Volume XI
The Amazing Health Life Formula Part 4 - Disease Begins In The Colon Part 2 of 3.
Volume XII
The Amazing Health Life Formula Part 5 - Disease Begins In The Colon Part 3 of 3.
The information provided in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information in this newsletter for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a health care professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

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