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30 Day Fast_Day 5-would love supporters!

by Mere


I am doing a 30 Day Fast and it is my second long term one. I have a done a few 3 or 5 day ones but my first was a 20 day one. I had a lot of success on it but unfortunately I did not make the lifestyle changes I needed to and got into my bad habits. It is hard to admit but I know this is the place to share that I am an emotional/binge eater. I have tried to change many times but I keep falling back into the awful patterns. I feel really great this time and think a longer, more focused fast will help. I have about 30 pounds to loose and am keeping my goals front and center. It is not only for weight loss but for mental clarity, breaking my very bad eating habits, feeling better and confident.

I do have thryoid issues and insulin resistant disorder so diets and weight loss is a physical struggle. I do have a healthy lifestyle if you took away the binge eating episodes and am a big fan of a variety of exercises from spinning to bikram yet I need to loose the weight and get a focus back on me. A doctor I have been seeing for a couple years recommends the caveman diet or atkins diet. I can absolutely do a low carb lifestyle but I also think one should enjoy life and restricting yourself from certain things can be a damper. I love food-I love going out to eat with friends, cooking meals for family and friends and my italian side of my family-food is a big part of who we are. I just need to get to the root of the binge eating and compulsive/obssessive issues I have with it bc there lies the culprits. Reading this website and Rob's stories/facts/etc really speaks to me and what I struggle with. I know I can do whatever I set my mind to and know I can achieve this personal victory. My first fast I really felt the physical detox, mental clariety and overall improvement of health but it is after the fast that one needs to make the changes. I know I can do it just need to do it.

I would love support from this forum and will keep everyone updated on my progress. The first four days have not been too bad luckily! I am working a lot to stay focused and not let my social life take away my concentration/determination. The weekends can be the toughest bc I have to make sacrefices and avoid certain situations due to fasting. I have yet to tell any close friends which I know I need to support to make this a successful fast. Yet my friends who I do trust are not 100% supportive. My 20 day fast I did tell about 3 close friends but lied that it was 2 weeks bc they were not positive ab this and kept pestering me about the concerns.

I know my body and I know what I can handle but they just think fasting, no food-you're going to endanger yourself which is not the support I need. Look forward to hearing others stories and support!

Thanks so much! Good luck to all in their own fasting journeys.

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Jun 29, 2017
Same here! NEW
by: Melissa

I too started a 30 day fast. I am on day eight. I need to lose 30Lbs. So far I lost 12Lbs. I know 10 of that is water weight. I've done 21 day fast before and it was great. But not enough, like you I did not work on a lifestyle change and therefore gain it all back. It wasn't a waste thou I benefit from the cleanse internally. But I must lose this weight. Being fat sucks. I always want to eat eating is the highlight of my day I'm always hungry it's like I have an addiction to food. Every time I eat I feel like a loser I have back fat stomach rolls I am not happy with the way I look in my clothes and I am extremely fatigue. This is depressing. Yeah it's that bad. After I had my second child I have not been able to lose the Lbs. A woman's body goes through a lot during and after giving birth. However I don't believe that is any reason for not ridden the weight. I'm so convinced it's the LIFESTYLE. My lifestyle has changed prior giving birth. So that is the key. Create a health plan make it routine. So that is my plan. I read your post and felt the same. Staying motivated and on course is hard in the beginning. I learned after 90 days the new routine becomes second nature and easy to maintain. Never give up on yourself!!!

Nov 07, 2015
Armed Security Guard Companies NEW
by: Anonymous

Armed Security Guard Companies - Looking for an armed security guard company to protect yourself, your institution, or your valuables? If so, you’ll want to be sure that the company you select will assign a licensed, experienced armed-security professional who is committed to providing you with the fullest sense of safety and confidence.

Aug 31, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Fasting in the month of Ramazan is like a great gift given by GOD to the whole muslim world. It is a great way to gain good writing websites your both mental and physical fitness during this month. I am also looking forward to this amazing oppurtunity this year.

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