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First 3 Day Juice Fast

by Nina
(Southfield, MI)

I am completing day 3 of my juice fast. I drank juice and distilled water. The first day I felt a little weak, but by day my third day had energy enough to go for a 1/2 hour walk. Edema in my feet disappeared.

The mucus in my throat cleared up. I have lost 5 pounds. I have an incredible amount of energy, and clarity. Last night I had the best sleep without having a glass of wine or a sleep aid. I am breaking my 3 day fast with soup, yogurt, and more juice. I will have a light salad for lunch.

I will continue to reintroduce foods back into my diet for at least 3 days. I feel like a new person. This was a prequel to my new vegetarian lifestyle; it was a great detox.

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Sep 16, 2015
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May 22, 2010
Breaking the juice fasting
by: Michaella

Hello , I wonder if somebody have felt the same way: I am afraid to break the fasting!!
Initialy I was planing a 3 days juice fasting, now is the 4th day and bcs I am ok I wonder if to push the limits?!
Also I would like to loose 5kg more.
Thank you

Apr 02, 2010
Great Fast! Congratulations
by: Sheila

What juices did you drink? Hope you dont mind sharing.

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