intermittent fasting    

First time faster, need encouragement.

by Mosha
(New York)

Hi everyone, Im 5'4 and 155 lbs. My doctor diagnosed me with hypertension as my Blood pressure reading have been too high in the last 2 readings (130/90).

Fact is all my blood pressure readings I've done in my life have been high but doctors have dismissed them because i was too young to have BP issues (I'm 29 now). Have any of you had the same health issue and cure it through fasting?

Please let me know as I need encouragement and something to look foward too. Im starting today on my fast for the first time and I will give it my all> Failure to me is not an option, if thousands of people can do it, what's preventing me not to?

Also, can someone post the difference in sex drive after fasting? That has been a curiosity I have for sometime now. Thanks for your replies!!

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May 18, 2012
normal NEW
by: Anonymous

130/90 in reality isnt high. Its on the upper side of normal. High starts from 150/100 thats when doctors generally worry about it. You should work to keep it lower sure but st this point unless you are having symptoms of hbp I wouldnt worry.

Sep 13, 2011
Response to Hypertension
by: Cole

When I was 33 I was a 5'5" and 186 lbs. I was diagnosed with Hypertension, when my pressure started averaging 150/101. I was overweight and very depressed. On top of that I was in a job that was making me more miserable each day. I was working out, and eating low salt, low fat foods, but nothing seemed to make a difference. I stuck with my routine and even increased my workouts from 45 mins to an hour each. I also left that horrid job and went back to school for my masters degree. It took me 2 years of working out about 3-4 x/week and watching what I ate to lose some of that weight. I'm happy to report that about 2.5 yrs later my BP is now at normal range. I'm finally off the Hypertension meds! Now I weigh 150 lbs., but I'd like to lose another 25-30 lbs. It sure is tough to shed the weight and each year that passes it gets a little tougher. I'm trying the 15 day reboot fast too. Good luck to you in reducing your BP!

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