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Nothing Beats Fasting

by Hanna

I discovered fasting about two years ago and decided to give it a go, as I spent much of my youth in that most toxic of countries-- the USA.

Since moving to Europe I've become much healthier, but after fasting I discovered a whole new dimension of health. Through juice and water fasting I've rid myself of many old and less healthy cravings (bread, pasta, processed foods & sugar) and gained a clearer understanding of the consequences and rewards of everything I ingest.

It's also made me a big water drinker (minimum 1/2 gallon a day).

Fasting makes my skin look so radiant and healthy, makes my mind clearer, my energy levels soar. I also take pride in my body and bask in the compliments I get.

I highly recommend it.

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Nov 13, 2018
Absolutely NEW
by: Kiara Willson

Yeah Absolutely! Nothing can really beat fasting and fasting helps us a lot in many ways!

Oct 08, 2015
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by: Anonymous

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