intermittent fasting    

Water Fasting & It's Amazing Benefits - One Faster's Testimony

by ezralyz

I have been a faster for almost a year now. It takes great discipline, sacrifice and determination to be a faster.

I fast 36 hours once a week followed by moderate eating of fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, seaweeds,honey, black strap molasses, natural sweeteners, sea salt and herbal teas.

I masticate my food very slowly which results in swallowing the food like liquid to help my digestive system. My abs really look amazing because it never grew big, it stays slim constantly.

I discovered all the benefits of water fasting and I am continuously harvesting all its fruits.
My friends younger than me look older and I am already 26.

Books and internet are my credible sources.
It's obviously great how my life changed.
I look 10 years younger, I am wide awake and very much alive for almost 17-19 hours in a day. I sleep only around five hours daily.

My skin is smooth now that there's no single trace of white heads/blackheads in my face or any kind of skin eruptions in my body.

I stay calm and think very clearly that even the most angry person that I encounter keeps quiet when talking to me because my body doesn't actually react to heavy emotions.

The harsh people in my environment cannot influence me to get angry also because of the calmness in my system. I feel much better when I am alone and manage to deal with everything with simplicity.

My self-esteem is incredibly high that I can give good advice to improve others' self esteem without exerting too much effort. I criticize every single thing which leads to open-mindedness without anxiety.

e-mail me at or text me at +639055311170 if you need a fasting buddy or an adviser.

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Jun 16, 2016
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by: Anny

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Jun 09, 2016
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Apr 19, 2016
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Mar 26, 2016
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by: Anonymous

You are talking quite wise that your body does not react much to heavy emotions. I would like to learn it. Due to continuous studying I am all the time nervous about the things I have to complete. Good that the guys from are always ready to assist me

Sep 14, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

The acquisition of knowledge and information is very much learned and promoted. The skills are advanced for the promotion and review perfection the tremendous success and productivity is ensured and imposed.

Feb 15, 2013
free style NEW
by: Marine70

Hi and I am a faster---I only eat what is good for me - and very little of it--I usually eat once a day - maybe some soup---sometimes I do more - so what? I still feel good and can move about w/o strain or dificulty==mobility is veryveryvery important -also get good nutition from your food - this is a global thing - you have to be sensitive to your body and what it needs - not too complicated BUT - highly indidvidualised - sic-lol-- very personal and individual cenetered - right? I hope so - do not live to eat - eat to live - good motto - thanks for all your patience with me - best Marine70

Jun 08, 2010
Response to JJ
by: ezralyz

Thank you for the comment. Feeling weak when you are water fasting is so normal because your body is scouring all the toxins and fats stored in your body to fuel you. Just do some light walking and deep breathing because your body is totally in a status of complete rest.

you can e-mail me at for further information needed.

thank you

Jun 07, 2010
Help needed
by: JJ

Hey ezralyz,

I read your post on the fasting forum and I must say that I am truly inspired.I have been trying to water fast for last two weeks, breaking my resolve at the the end of the day.It makes me feel very weak that I cannot even exercise this much will power and restraint.

I am again today trying for a water fast.Hopefully, today will be day 1 of my 35/42 day water fasting. I do look forward to your support and help.

Thank you

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